June 23, 2017

City Kids - Week 17

Summer is officially here!!
And the farmers welcomed it in with moving heifers,
witnessing a calf be born, making a home for our new baby turkeys,
and keeping our garden watered and free of weeds,
 so those plants can grow, grow, grow.

Turkey's being very curious of the camera
Turkeys only 5 days old!!

New calf Kiwi was born....below is here birth "story"
Kiwi's first exposure to the world
Kalypso pushing Kiwi the rest of the way out.

Kiwi was born!!!  Kalypso is cleaning her off.

Farmers herding heifers to a new location.

Watermelon growing strong in the greenhouse
Corn sprouting in mounds with our new gravity water system.
Garlic plants growing their scapes
Corn Sprouts!!!
Sugar Snap Pea pods growing
Our new watering system!!!!!

The start of our sunflower maze.

Outside the farm proper, we have wild strawberries growing by the dorm, the black raspberries starting to form, and the lilies starting to bloom but the dorm.

Green Black Raspberries

Lillies growing!!

Below is our update on the robin nest at the dorm. (Sorry I did not had the picture last week.)

Last week... baby robin's hatched

Last weeks photo

This week...and they are so big!!

This week - Looking for food,
and will soon be leaving the nest.

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